Asesorias en Logística y Expotaciones Hipacori, S.A

  • April 1, 2014 11:25 am
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    Asesorias en Logística y Expotaciones Hipacori, S.A

    Hispacori is trader Company with our own pineapple farms, located in Costa Rica.
    We sell fresh pineapples Golden variety, all sizes from 5 to 10. Farms Global Gap certified and located at the North zone, San Carlos, Pital.

    Currently we are handling U.S. markets, Russia and Turkey
    We load season fruit by the months of February and until May approximately, and we trade mango, melon and watermelon.
    Besides, we arrange all logistic service to producers that contract our service.

    Phone Number: +506 2283-4340
    Email: [email protected]
    Web Site: Hispacori

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